Coesite provides direct evidence for ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Although coesite has been found as inclusions in zircon in paragneiss of the north Qaidam Mountains, it has never been identified in eclogite. In this contribution, based on petrographic observations and in situ Raman microprobe spectroscopy, coesite was identified as inclusions in garnet of eclogite from the Aercituoshan, Dulan UHP metamorphic unit, north Qaidam Mountains. Coesite is partly replaced by quartz, showing a palisade texture. This is the first report on coesite in eclogite from the north Qaidam Mountains, and is also supported by garnet-omphacite-phengite geothermobarometry (2.7-3.25 GPa, 670-730℃).
Coesite and its pseudomorphs have not been found in eclogites and associated rocks of other units of the north Qaidam Mountains. Further studies are required to confirm if all metamorphic units in the north Qaidam Mountains underwent the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.North Qaidam Mountains, Dulan, eclogite, coesite, Ultrahigh pressure metamorphismThe ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism refers to the metamorphism above the coesite-quartz transition. Therefore, although a number of mineralogical indicators have been considered as evidence for UHP metamorphism, coesite is still one of the most direct indicators for UHP metamorphism.Over the past ten years, a new HP/UHP metamorphic terrane has been confirmed along the north Qaidam Mountains in western China [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] . It has been correlated to the south Altyn Tagh HP/UHP metamorphic terrane, and constrains a 400 km offset for the Altyn Tagh fault. Therefore, South Altyn-North Qaidam was considered as a single HP-UHP metamorphic belt truncated by a large strike-slip fault, similar to the case of the Dabie-Sulu HP-UHP metamorphic zone which was truncated by the sinistral Tanlu strike-slip fault in eastern China, and split into the Dabie and Sulu regions [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] . However, in contrast to Dabie-Sulu in eastern China, where UHP metamorphic evidence has been commonly recognized in different rock types, evidence of UHP metamorphism is relatively rare in the north Qaidam (NQD) and south Altyn Tagh (SAT) [11,22,23] . Up to now, coesite was only reported as inclusions in zircons of amphibolite-facies paragneiss in the Dulan area, eastern NQD. This high-pressure silica polymorph has never been positively identified in eclogite from the NQD and SAT. Although polycrystalline quartz inclusions in garnet and omphacite in the Jianggelesayi eclogite of SAT and Dulan eclogite of NQD were interpreted as pseudomorphs after coesite, the polycrystalline aggregates cannot be simply the result of a transformation from coesite because they contain small amounts of K-feldspar [24,25] .Recently, detailed field work and petrographic observations have led to the first discovery of coesite inclusions in garnet of eclogite in the northern slope of Aercituoshan, southern Dulan HP/UHP metamorphic unit, north Qaidam Mountains.