Neutrino mass hierarchy, CP-violation, and octant of θ 23 are the fundamental unknowns in neutrino oscillations. In order to address all these three unknowns, we study the physics reach of a setup, where we replace the antineutrino run of T2HK with antineutrinos from muon decay at rest (µ-DAR). This approach has the advantages of having higher statistics in both neutrino and antineutrino modes, and lower beam-on backgrounds for antineutrino run with reduced systematics. We find that a hybrid setup consisting of T2HK (ν) and µ-DAR (ν) in conjunction with full exposure from T2K and NOνA can resolve the issue of mass hierarchy at greater than 3σ C.L. irrespective of the choices of hierarchy, δ CP , and θ 23 . This hybrid setup can also establish the CP-violation at 5σ C.L. for ∼ 55% choices of δ CP , whereas the same for conventional T2HK (ν +ν) setup along with T2K and NOνA is around 30%. As far as the octant of θ 23 is concerned, this hybrid setup can exclude the wrong octant at 5σ C.L. if θ 23 is at least 3 • away from maximal mixing for any δ CP .