In 2011 the author introduced a generalization of van der Corput sequences, the so called L S-sequences defined for integers L , S such that L ≥ 1, S ≥ 0, L + S ≥ 2, and γ ∈ ]0, 1[ is the positive solution of Sγ 2 + Lγ = 1. These sequences coincide with the classical van der Corput sequences whenever S = 0, are uniformly distributed for all L , S and have low discrepancy when L ≥ S. In this paper we compare the L S-sequences and the β-adic van der Corput sequences where β > 1 is the Pisot root of x 2 − Lx − L. Using a suitable numeration system G = {G n } n≥0 , where the base sequence is the linear recurrence of order two, G n+2 = LG n+1 + LG n , with initial conditions G 0 = 1 and G 1 = L + 1, we prove that when L = S the (L , L)-sequence with Lγ 2 + Lγ = 1 and the β-adic van der Corput sequence with β = 1/γ and β 2 = Lβ + L can be obtained from each other by a permutation. In particular for β = Φ, the golden ratio, the β-adic van der Corput sequence coincides with the Kakutani-Fibonacci sequence obtained for L = S = 1, which has been already studied.