Let A be an associative simple (central) superalgebra over C and L an invariant linear functional on it (trace). Let a → a t be an antiautomorphism of A such that (2))/m, where m is any maximal ideal of U (sl(2)), Leites and I have constructed orthogonal basis in A whose elements turned out to be, essentially, Chebyshev (Hahn) polynomials in one discrete variable. Here I take A = U (osp(1|2))/m for any maximal ideal m and apply a similar procedure. As a result we obtain either Hahn polynomials over C[τ ], where τ 2 ∈ C, or a particular case of Meixner polynomials, or -when A = Mat(n + 1|n) -dual Hahn polynomials of even degree, or their (hopefully, new) analogs of odd degree. Observe that the nondegenerate bilinear forms we consider for orthogonality are, as a rule, not sign definite.