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AbstractHigh angle wells drilled into finely laminated shale are often found to be less stable than comparable wells drilled into nonlaminated rock. This can be attributed to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, well trajectory, the in-situ stress field, rock strength anisotropy, shale reactivity issues, chemical imbalances between the drilling fluid and shale pore fluid, and many others. However, due to the lack of available data some of these mechanisms are difficult to quantify and therefore are typically not accounted for during well planning. This can result in significant wellbore instability issues that substantially elevate drilling operation costs.In this paper, a comprehensive approach to account for many of these wellbore instability mechanisms is outlined. A plane-of-weakness model is utilized to account for the effects of weak bedding planes and other discontinuities. The model uses parameters that are obtained by curve fitting triaxial strength test results conducted at various angles with respect to bedding. Additionally, traditional mechanical and chemical effects were also addressed and incorporated into the pre-drill model to assist in well planning. The model was then implemented at the Terra Nova field for the case of a highly deviated wellbore drilled through finely laminated shale nearly parallel to bedding.Real-time monitoring of measurement and logging while drilling data was key to identifying the unstable sections so that the root cause of instability could be diagnosed. The appropriate remedial action was then applied and wellbore instability problems were mitigated.Both mechanical and chemical borehole instability models were applied in a case history to evaluate the potential for wellbore instability. In particular, bedding-plane related and chemically-induced instability were addressed and overcome through comprehensive modeling and the deployment of modified operational procedures.