-Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is a generalization of the Fourier transform, rediscovered many times over the past hundred years. In this paper, we provide an overview of recent contributions pertaining to the FRFT. Specifically, the paper is geared toward signal processing practitioners by emphasizing the practical digital realizations and applications of the FRFT. It discusses three major topics. First, the manuscripts relates the FRFT to other mathematical transforms. Second, it discusses various approaches for practical realizations of the FRFT. Third, we overview the practical applications of the FRFT. From these discussions, we can clearly state the FRFT is closely related to other mathematical transforms, such as time-frequency and linear canonical transforms. Nevertheless, we still feel that major contributions are expected in the field of the its digital realizations and applications, especially, since many digital realizations of the FRFT still lack properties of the continuous FRFT. Overall, the FRFT is a valuable signal processing tool. Its practical applications are expected to grow significantly in years to come, given that the FRFT offers many advantages over the traditional Fourier analysis.
I. IIn very simple terms, the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is a generalization of the ordinary Fourier transform [1]. Specifically, the FRFT implements the so-called order parameter α which acts on the ordinary Fourier transform operator. In other words, the αth order fractional Fourier transform represents the αth power of the ordinary Fourier transform operator. When α = π/2, we obtain the Fourier transform, while for α = 0, we obtain the signal itself. Any intermediate value of α (0 < α < π/2) produces a signal representation that can be considered as a rotated time-frequency representation of the signal [2], Signal Processing, Vol. 91 No. 6, June, 2011 [3].Interestingly enough, the idea of the fractional powers of the Fourier operator has been "discovered" several times in the literature. Initially, the idea appeared in the mathematical literature between the two world wars (e.g., [4], [5]). More publications relating to this idea appeared after the second world war, however they were sporadic (e.g. [6]). The idea of fractional Fourier operator re-gains a momentum in 1980's with publications by Namias (e.g. [7]). Following Namias' contributions, a large number of papers appeared in the literature during 1990's tying the concept of the fractional Fourier operators to many other fields (e.g., time-frequency analysis as described in [2]). We have also witnessed a number of recent contributions attempting to understand the practical applications of the FRFT beyond optics.The main goal of this publication is to provide an overview of recent developments regarding the FRFT and its applications. Although a number of publications reviewing the FRFT has also appeared in recent years (e.g., [1], [8], [9]), some of these publications are geared towards explaining the mathematical eloquence b...