International audienceRandom variables with Mittag-Leffler distribution can take values either in the set of non-negative integers or in the positive real line. There can be of two different types, one (type-1) heavy-tailed with index α ∈ (0, 1), the other (type-2) possessing all its moments. We investigate various stochastic processes where they play a key role, among which: the discrete space/time Neveu branching process, the discrete-space continuous-time Neveu branching process, the continuous space/time Neveu branching process (CSBP) and renewal processes with rare events. Its relation to (discrete or continuous) self-decomposability and branching processes with immigration is emphasized. Special attention will be paid to the Neveu CSBP for its connection with the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. In this context, and following a recent work of Möhle [49], a type-2 Mittag-Leffler process turns out to be the Siegmund dual to Neveu's CSBP block-counting process arising in sampling from P D e −t , 0. Further combinatorial developments of this model are investigated. 1. Sibuya random variables (rvs) and related branching processes We first investigate a class of integral-valued rvs that will show important for our general purpose. 1.1. Sibuya rvs and related ones. We start with their definition and main properties. • One parameter Sibuya(α) rv. Let X α ≥ 1 be an integer-valued random variable with support N = {1, 2, ....} defined as follows: X α = inf (l ≥ 1 : B α (l) = 1) , where (B α (l)) l≥1 is a sequence of independent Bernoulli rvs obeying P (B α (l) = 1) = α/l where α ∈ (0, 1). It is thus the first epoch of a success in a Bernoulli trial when the probability of success is inversely proportional to the number of the trial. X α is called a Sibuya(α) rv. Then P (X α = k) = (−1