Floquet engineering is one of the most vigorous fields in periodically driven (Floquet) systems, with which we can control phases of matter usually by high-frequency drives. In this paper, with Floquet engineering by a combination of high-frequency drives and resonant drives, we propose a way to realize nontrivial topological phases protected by a Z2 × Z2 symmetry only in the presence of a Z2 symmetry, using a robust emergent Z2 symmetry induced by the resonant drives. Moreover, the symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases are switchable between nontrivial and trivial phases only by the direction of a static transverse field, and even perturbations on the resonant drive can be utilized to realize richer SPT phases. We also discuss the real-time dynamics of the model, and find that which topological phases the system lies in can be distinguished by a period doubling of a nonlocal order parameter, as with discrete time crystals. A realization or a control of nontrivial SPT phases without the required symmetries by resonant drives, proposed in this paper, would shed a new light on the observation of topological phenomena in nonequilibrium setups. arXiv:1908.04100v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall]