This paper investigates the audibility threshold of aliasing in computer-generated sawtooth signals. Listening tests were conducted to find out how much the aliased frequency components below and above the fundamental must be attenuated for them to be inaudible. The tested tones comprised the fundamental frequencies 415, 932, 1480, 2093, 3136, and 3951 Hz, presented at 60-dB SPL and 44.1-kHz sampling rate. The results indicate that above the fundamental the aliased components must be attenuated 0, 19, 26, 27, 32, and 41 dB for the corresponding fundamental frequencies, and below the fundamental the attenuation of 0, 3, 6, 11, 12, and 11 dB, respectively, is sufficient. The results imply that the frequency-masking phenomenon affects the perception of aliasing and that the masking effect is more prominent above the fundamental than below it. The A-weighted noise-to-mask ratio is proposed as a suitable quality measure for sawtooth signals containing aliasing. It was shown that the bandlimited impulse train, the differentiated parabolic waveform, and the fourth-order polynomial bandlimited step function synthesis algorithms are perceptually alias-free up to 1, 2, and 4 kHz, respectively. General design rules for antialiasing sawtooth oscillators are derived based on the results and on knowledge of level-dependence of masking.