Rcpriab anikblc d i d y from the publisher P h O l o c Q P y i~ pamittsd by lianv crib 0 2001 OPA ( -Publishen Auodation) N.V. Publirhdbylianvmdn thc Gordon and Brrach science P u M imprint.Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a relatively new heuristic comhinatorial optimization algorithm in which the search proass is a stochastic procedure that incorporates positive feedback of awumulated information. The positive feedback (i.e., autocatalysis) facility is a feature of ACO which gives an emergent search procedure such that the (common) problem of algorithm termination at local optima may be avoided and search for a global optimum is possible. The ACO algorithm is motivated by analogy with natural phenomena, in particular. the ability of a colony of ants to 'optimize' their collective endeavours. In this paper the biological background for ACO is explained and its computational implementation is presented in a structural design context. The particular implementation of ACO makes use of a tabu search (TS) local improvement phase to give a computationally enhanced algoritbm (ACOTS).In this paper ACOTS is applied to the optimal structural design, in terms of weight minimization, of a 25-bar space truss. The design variables are the cross-sectional areas of the bars, which take discrete values. Numerical investigation of the 25-bar space truss gave the best (i.e., lowest to-date) minimum weight value. This example provides evidence that ACOTS is a useful and technically viable Optimization technique for discrete-variable optimal structural design.