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NUMBER(S)Edwards AFB CA 93524-7048 AFRL-RZ-ED-TP-2008-285
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution unlimited (PA #08274A).
SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESFor presentation at the 26 th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Kyoto, Japan, 21-25 July 2008.
ABSTRACTConical nozzle flows are studied for Reynolds numbers of 1,230 and 12,300 using different numerical techniques: DSMC Method, Navier-Stokes/CFD accounting for velocity slip and temperature jump boundary conditions, and statistical and deterministic approaches to the solution of BGK equation. Detailed comparisons of the stability accuracy, and convergence of the employed numerical techniques provide better understanding of their benefits and deficiencies and assists in selecting the most appropriate technique for a particular nozzle and flow application. The deterministic and statistical solutions of the BGK equation were found to be in good agreement with the benchmark DSMC results. The Navier-Stokes solution differs from the DSMC in the boundary layer. Abstract. Conical nozzle flows are studied for Reynolds numbers of 1,230 and 12,300 using different numerical techniques: DSMC Method, Navier-Stokes/CFD accounting for velocity slip and temperature jump boundary conditions, and statistical and deterministic approaches to the solution of BGK equation. Detailed comparisons of the stability, accuracy, and convergence of the employed numerical techniques provides better understanding of their benefits and deficiencies, and assists in selecting the most appropriate technique for a particular nozzle and flow application. The deterministic and statistical solutions of the BGK equation were found to be in good agreement with the benchmark DSMC results. The Navier-Stokes solution differs from DSMC in the boundary layer.