The equations of Hamiltonian gravity are often considered ugly cousins of the elegant and manifestly covariant versions found in the Lagrangian theory. However, both formulations are fundamental in their own rights because they make different statements about the nature of space-time and its symmetries. These implications, along with the history of their derivation and an introduction of recent mathematical support, are discussed here.General relativity is distinguished by its covariance under space-time diffeomorphisms, a large set of symmetries which guarantees coordinate independence and supplies fruitful links between physics and geometry. However, the symmetries are different in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian pictures. Throughout an interesting history of work on Hamiltonian gravity, this under-appreciated state of affairs has led to pronouncements that verge on the heretical. Dirac, for instance -one of the outstanding protagonists -accompanied his detailed analysis in [1] by "It would be permissible to look upon the Hamiltonian form as the fundamental one, and there would then be no fundamental four-dimensional symmetry in the theory." He did not elaborate on this conclusion, but recent work in mathematics and physics provides an updated picture. If we put together contributions by relativists and mathematicians -some older and some recent -we can confirm the prescient nature of Dirac's insights. At the same time, we improve our fundamental understanding of space-time.The history of Hamiltonian gravity had begun well before Dirac's entry, spawned by questions about the analysis of the electromagnetic field. Starting in 1929, Heisenberg and Pauli [2,3] had applied canonical quantization to Maxwell's theory. An important issue was the covariance of their formulation, as it still is in the case of gravity. Rosenfeld [4] presented a detailed analysis of Hamiltonian general relativity, including a discussion of the important role of constraints. After a gap of almost 20 years, Bergmann and his collaborators turned the analysis of constraints into a program [5,6,7,8], in parallel with Dirac [9] not only in the timing of important work (1950) but also in apparent heresies: according to [5] "there is probably no particular reason why the theory of relativity must appear in the form of Riemannian geometry." The analysis of constraints most widely used today was developed by Dirac, and applied by him to gravity [1]. Dirac was able to bring Rosenfeld's results to a more convenient form by replacing general tetrads with * e-mail address: 1 metric variables adapted to a spatial foliation. The final step was made by Arnowitt, Deser and Misner in the 1960s [10], introducing a powerful parameterization of the space-time metric by lapse N, shift M a and the metric q ab on a spatial hypersurface. The resulting ADM formulation is widely used in numerical relativity, cosmology, and quantum gravity.An important question for Rosenfeld, following Heisenberg and Pauli, was the role of symmetries...