Humans use simple probing actions to develop intuition about the physical behavior of common objects. Such intuition is particularly useful for adaptive estimation of favorable manipulation strategies of those objects in novel contexts. For example, observing the effect of tilt on a transparent bottle containing an unknown liquid provides clues on how the liquid might be poured. It is desirable to equip general-purpose robotic systems with this capability because it is inevitable that they will encounter novel objects and scenarios. In this paper, we teach a robot to use a simple, specified probing strategystirring with a stick-to reduce spillage when pouring unknown liquids. In the probing step, we continuously observe the effects of a real robot stirring a liquid, while simultaneously tuning the parameters to a model (simulator) until the two outputs are in agreement. We obtain optimal simulation parameters, characterizing the unknown liquid, via a Bayesian Optimizer that minimizes the discrepancy between real and simulated outcomes. Then, we optimize the pouring policy conditioning on the optimal simulation parameters determined via stirring. We show that using stirring as a probing strategy result in reduced spillage for three qualitatively different liquids when executed on a UR10 Robot, compared to probing via pouring. Finally, we provide quantitative insights into the reason for stirring being a suitable calibration task for pouring -a step towards automatic discovery of probing strategies.