The test of concrete compressive strength conformity with current regulations PN EN 206-1:2003 is the sampling inspection based on a numerical evaluation. Satisfying the compound criteria, including the adoption of statistical quality control plan, confirms the conformity of the examined batch of concrete defined by the declared class of compressive strength defined by characteristic value of compressive strength. The conformity criteria recommended by EN 206-1 for the initial production are not without flaws and they are critically evaluated by many authors. This paper presents a new criterion of conformity based on order statistics. A preliminary evaluation of the criterion was made for the series with a small number of the test results with the use of probability of acceptance determined by means of the Monte Carlo method with the assumed 5% fraction defective. The analysis of the results showed that the presented criterion does not depend on the dispersion of results whereas the probability of acceptance is maintained at a constant level approached to the appropriate one at the stage of continuous production.