[1] Our paper [Onézime et al., 2003] was basically aimed at providing a new, and thus debatable, geodynamic interpretation at a regional scale of the South Portuguese Zone, of which the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) is part. Our study relied mainly on new structural data and facies analysis, with some emphasis on the volcanic and related facies of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VSC) of the IPB, on which Boulter's [2005] comments concentrate. Boulter complains that his ideas about the IPB and more specifically his interpretations of the VSC volcanic and volcaniclastic facies [Boulter, 1993a[Boulter, , 1993b[Boulter, , 1996 were not correctly rendered and were partly misinterpreted in our paper. A huge literature exists about the IPB geology, and various authors have dealt in more or less detail with the volcanological aspects of this belt. There was reasonably no room in our paper for an in-depth discussion of all relevant previous interpretations on this topic, including Boulter's sill-sediment model. Some other workers in the IPB have already stressed the poor consistency of this model with the field observations at the regional scale [e.g., Carvalho et al., 1999], and recent reviews of the IPB geology and metallogeny do not rely much on this model [e.g.,