The objective of this article is to show how the struggle of women in science has evolved over the years and with participation in different territories, previously occupied by men. Thus, its purpose was to carry out a bibliographical review on female participation in the struggle and conquest in the field of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering, and, in this way, being able to understand how social equality and the value of women is of paramount importance, giving equal opportunity for both sexes in the field of science. The feminist movement is, without a doubt, of great relevance for building a democratic society; women should have the same opportunities in any field they want to be a part of. Research has historically shown that women found themselves in jobs of less prestige and visibility, their participation in areas of science was, by men, considered incompatible with their biological constitution; However, it shows that women have stood out over the years in the field of scientific research and have the same intelligence potential as men, and the learning capacity is the same for both sexes, despite being discriminated against when it comes to women. We hope to contribute to increasing the visibility of women in science and valuing their occupation in these areas. There is still a long way to go, but we seek to show that women can occupy the positions they want.