Inaccurate diagnosis and care inaccessibility undercut the effectiveness of high-quality tuberculosis (TB) treatment and select for resistance. Rapid diagnosis systems (e.g., GeneXpert) for TB diagnosis and drug-susceptibility testing (DST), and programs that provide high-quality DOTS TB treatment to patients in the unregulated private sector (pubic private mix, or PPM), may help address these challenges, albeit at increased cost.
We extend a microsimulation model of TB in India calibrated to demographic, epidemiologic, and care trends to evaluate: (1) replacing DST with GeneXpert; (2) replacing microscopy and culture with GeneXpert to diagnose non-MDR and MDR TB; (3) implementing nationwide PPM; and combinations of (3) with (1) or (2).
PPM (assuming costs of $38/person) and GeneXpert improve health and increase costs relative to the status quo. PPM alone or with GeneXpert cost less than one GDP/capita per QALY gained relative to the next-best intervention and dominated GeneXpert interventions absent PPM.
While both PPM and GeneXpert are promising tools for combating TB in India, PPM should be prioritized over GeneXpert, as private sector engagement is more cost-effective than GeneXpert alone and, if sufficient resources are available, would substantially increase the value of GeneXpert if both interventions are implemented together.