Abstract:Context: The information of diseases prevalence give useful information on disease pattern and thus can be used in preventing diseases as well as formulating policies for future management to prevent diseases. Aim: This study is therefore aimed at determining the pattern of reproductive diseases encountered at the Barind tract in Bangladesh. Materials and Method: The primary data were collected by randomly selected location in each district of retrospective survey from the veterinary and vaccination camp of the study area. Records of 2667 clinical cases of small ruminants (2394 goats, 273 sheep) questionnaires report under this study, from July 2012 to June 2013 were analyzed to assess the importance of existing diseases. The computer program SPSS were analyzed the study and Chi-square and F test were used for significance test. Results: The small ruminants were significantly suffering from various diseases and disorders. The maximum 816 (30.6%) was affected by infectious diseases and lowest 18 (0.7%) was affected with poisonous diseases in small ruminants. The others diseases highest to lowest rate were 444 (16.6%), 354(13.3%), 345 (12.9%), 231 (8.7%), 162 (6.1%),102 (3.8%), 84 (3.1%),72 (2.7%) and 39 (1.5%) affected with gastrointestinal, respiratory, surgical, female reproductive disorder, deficiency syndrome, Integumentary involvement, diseases of sense organ, musculoskeletal system and disease of male sex organ respectively in small . The highest disease prevalence (89.8%) was observed in goat than in sheep (10.2%) and the total reproductive disease prevalence was 10.2%. The highest & lowest incidence rates of reproductive disorders in relation to sex were 32.5% & 1.9% in anoestrus and postitis. Similarly, the age had significant effect (P<0.05) and highest value were 20.4%, 7.9% & 4.5% observed in anoestrus of young, adult and old ages respectively. The season had significant effect and the overall disease prevalence was higher rainy season 40.4%, but the individual highest value observed in anoestrus 14.7% in winter season. Conclusion: The one tenth portion of disease prevalence got in reproductive related case, but most frequent reproductive diseases and disorder were in found in goat, female animal, young age, rainy season and particularly in anoestrus condition of small ruminants at northern Barind tract in Bangladesh.