The long lasting transport of high-value animals during the import represents the signifi cant stress factor for animals, which can lead to severehealth problems and even animal death. Thus, insurance of animals against the event of death is highly recommended. In case of the damage ofthe insured animal (death) it is necessary to implement all statutory and contractual measures for determining the reasons of the damage in orderto eff ectively compensate the loss in the country, in which the animal is insured. In this article, we described the case control study, a death of breeding animal (boar) during the transport (import) from Denmark to Serbia. The animal was insured in exporting country and the forensic expertise was necessary to the purpose of adequate insurance compensation. On the basis of applied methods, which included medical history, records of clinical fi ndings, gross pathological fi ndings and laboratory examination, the cause of death of imported boar was identifi ed (heart failure and suff ocation). The Danish insurance company accepted the results of the examination and compensation has been successfully implemented on behalf of the dead boar.