Aortic dissection (AD) is a life-threatening condition that can be challenging to detect due to its subtle symptoms. In pregnant women and those in the postpartum period, AD ranks as the third highest cause of maternal mortality from heart-related issues globally.
Aims: To present a case of aortic dissection in a postpartum patient without conventional risk factors.
Methodology: A 35-year-old woman who had given birth via caesarean section just 7 days prior arrived at Hospital San Felix in La Dorada, Caldas, Colombia with sudden loss of consciousness and seizures. These symptoms led to unstable blood pressure and heart function, and during surgery, doctors discovered a tear in her aorta which ultimately proved fatal.
Results: The initial management was appropriate based on clinical manifestations, but a potentially fatal condition like aortic dissection was underdiagnosed due to atypical presentations.
Scientific Novelty: The presentation of aortic dissection can vary greatly, particularly in pregnant women due to physiological changes.
Conclusion: Aortic dissection is common in pregnant women and can manifest atypically, underscoring the need for increased awareness of different symptoms and signs, as well as enhanced monitoring in this population.