The world is in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, which existing conservation policies have failed to arrest. Policy makers, academics, and the general public are coming to recognize that much more ambitious conservation policies are in order. However, biodiversity conservation raises major issues of global justice—even if the connection between conservation and global justice is too seldom made. The lion’s share of conservation funding is spent in the global North, even though most biodiversity exists in the global South, and even though local people can often scarcely afford to make sacrifices in the interests of biodiversity conservation. Many responses to the biodiversity crisis threaten to exacerbate existing global injustices, to lock people into poverty, and to exploit the world’s poor. At the extreme, policies aimed at protecting biodiversity have also been associated with exclusion, dispossession, and violence. This book grapples with the challenge of how biodiversity might be conserved without producing global injustice. It distinguishes policies likely to exacerbate global injustice, and policies that promise to reduce it. The struggle to formulate and implement just conservation policies is vital to our planet’s future.