Background: In recent years, there has been increased identification of disfluencies in individuals with autism, but limited examination of disfluencies in the school-age range of this population. We currently lack information about whether the disfluencies of children with autism represent concomitant stuttering, normal disfluency, excessive normal disfluency, or some form of disfluency unique to the school-age population of children with autism. Aims: This paper explores the nature of disfluencies in school-aged children with autism in comparison with matched children who stutter and controls. It explores stuttering-like disfluencies, non-stuttering-like disfluencies and word-final disfluencies.
Methods & Procedures:This study compared disfluency patterns in 11 school-aged children with Asperger's syndrome (AS), 11 matched children who stutter (CWS), and 11 matched children with no diagnosis (ND). Analyses were based on speech samples collected during an expository discourse task.
Outcomes & Results:Results reveal statistically significant differences between children with AS and CWS and between children with AS and those with ND for the percentage of words containing stuttering-like disfluencies. In the AS group, four out of 11 (36%) met the common diagnostic criteria for a fluency disorder. Disfluencies in the AS group differed qualitatively and quantitatively from the CWS, and included a larger distribution of word-final disfluencies.
Conclusions & Implications:This study provides initial data regarding patterns of disfluency in school-aged children with AS that, with careful consideration and the cautious application of all findings, can assist therapists in making more evidence-based diagnostic decisions. Findings offer evidence that when working with children with AS, disfluencies both similar and dissimilar to those of CWS may be identified in at least a subset of those with AS. Therefore, children with AS should be screened for fluency disorders during their initial evaluation and treated if it is determined that the fluency disorder negatively impacts the effectiveness of communication.