“…Once a high resolution scan of the material absorption is available in the visible range of wavelengths, it is necessary to summarise this result in the framework of a standard colorimetric space, leading to the definition of several standard three-dimensional colorimetric spaces like, for example, RGB, HSL, XYZ, CIELuv and CIELab (Sève, 1996). The CIELab system is chosen because it is the most used in the study of materials of cultural heritage buildings (Moretto, Orsega, & Mazzocchin, 2011;Prieto, Ferrer, Sanmartín, Cárdenes, & Silva, 2011;Robbiola et al, 2015). The L* a* b* coordinate system was adopted in 1976 by the International Commission on Illumination CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage in French) as an international standard for colour measurement, and accounts for hue, saturation and lightness (Annerel & Taerwe, 2011;Ozguven & Ozcelik, 2013;Sève, 1996).…”