“…By [38, page 36], ϕ is conjugate to a rotationφ, i.e., there exists a homeomorphism h : ∂D → ∂D such thatφ = h −1 • ϕ • h, and thus, C w,ϕ is similar to C w•h,φ [21]. Since C w•h,φ is not τ p -supercyclic by Proposition 24, then C w,ϕ is not τ p -supercyclic [27]. ✷ From all our results it seems natural to conjecture that if X is compact, E ֒→ (C(X), τ p ) is a Banach space and the operator C w,ϕ : E → E is isometric, then C w,ϕ is not τ psupercyclic.…”