P ro fe sso r F e llo w A S M E D epartm ent o f M e c h a n ic a l, A erospace, and N ucle a r E n g in e erin g, R ensselaer P o ly te c h n ic In stitute, T ro y, N Y 1 2 1 8 0 -3 5 9 0 e -m a il: m a nia a @ rp i.e d u
P aym an KarvaniM e m . A S M E D epartm ent o f M e c h a n ic a l, A erospace, and N ucle a r E n g in e erin g, R ensselaer P o ly te c h n ic In stitute, T ro y, N Y 1 2 1 8 0 -3 5 9 0 e -m a il: p ay m a a n @ g m a il.c o m
Constitutive Relations for Modeling Single Crystal GaN at Elevated TemperaturesThermal-mechanical constitutive relations for bulk, single-crystal, wurtzite gallium nitride (GaN) at elevated temperatures, suitable for modeling crystal growth processes, are pre sented. A crystal plasticity model that considers slip and the evolution o f mobile and immo bile dislocation densities on the prismatic and basal slip systems is developed. The experimental stress-strain data from Yonenaga and Motoki (2001, "Yield Strength and Dislocation Mobility in Plastically Deformed Bulk Single-Crystal GaN," J. Appl. Phys., 90(12), pp. 6539-6541) for GaN is analyzed in detail and used to define model parameters for prismatic slip. The sensitivity to the model parameters is discussed and ranges for pa rameters are given. Estimates for basal slip are also provided.