The complexity o f local and dynamic thermal transformations in additive manufacturing (AM) processes makes it difficult to track in situ thermomechanical changes at different length scales within a part using experimental process monitoring equipment. In addition, in situ process monitoring is limited to providing information only at the exposed surface o f a layer being built. As a result, an understanding o f the bulk microstructural transformations and the resulting behavior o f a part requires rigorous postprocess microscopy and mechanical testing. In order to circumvent the limited feedback obtained from in situ experiments and to better understand material response, a novel 3D dislocation density based thermomechanical finite element framework has been developed. This framework solves fo r the in situ response much faster than currently used state-of-the-art modeling software since it has been specifically designed fo r AM platforms. This modeling infrastructure can predict the anisotropic performance o f AM-produced components before they are built, can serve as a method to enable in situ closed-loop process control and as a method to predict residual stress and distortion in parts and thus enable support structure optimization. This manuscript provides an overview o f these software modules which together form a robust and reliable AM software suite to address future needs fo r machine development, material development, and geometric optimization.
Journal of Manufacturing Science and EngineeringCopyright© involved in AM processing and validated software tools with the capabilities to predict process effects are needed both in academia and industry. These software tools will enable future machines to be more efficient, scientists and researchers to develop new material alloys specifically tweaked for cooling rates experienced during AM, and designers to more fully explore the geometric freedom and functionality desired by the end-user while still maintaining the required strength, fatigue, corrosion, or other attributes. F ig . 4 (a ) O p tic a l m ic r o g r a p h o f a n E B M -m a d e T i 6 /4 m ic r o s t r u c t u r e s h o w in g h e x a g o n a l p r io r p g r a in m o tifs a n d (b ) m ic r o s t r u c t u r a lly in f o r m e d m e s h , a n d ( c ) in -p la n e m e s h c o m p le x ity [1 8 ]