Elastic neutron scattering experiments were performed on single crystals of the solid solution RbFeCI,_,Br, (x = 0.03, 0.06, 0.15, 1.0, 2.56, 2.76, 2.85 and 2.94) to study the magnetic ordering behaviour and the magnetic phase diagram of this mixed pseudo-onedimensional ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic system. Small amounts of dopant destroy the magnetic long-range order of the pure parent compounds, RbFeCI, and RbFeBr,. On the RbFeC1, side of the phase diagram the magnetic correlations appear finite for x as small as 0.03. The periodicities of these correlations are similar to those of the incommensurate and commensurate magneticphasesof pure RbFeCI,. On the RbFeBr, side of the phase diagram the ordering vector remains at the H point (Q = (4 4At an intermediate composition ( x = 1 .O) there are no detectable one-dimensional ferro-or antiferromagnetic correlations down to a temperature of 1.3 K.