We determine the antisymmetric current-current response for a pair of (type-I) tilted Weyl cones with opposite chirality. We find that the dynamical chiral magnetic effect depends on the magnitude of the tilt and on the angle between the tilting direction and the wave vector of the magnetic field. Additionally, the chiral magnetic effect is shown to be closely related to the presence of an intrinsic anomalous Hall effect with a current perpendicular to the tilting direction and the electric field. We investigate the nonanalytic long-wavelength limit of the corresponding transport coefficients.PACS numbers: 71.55. Ak, 71.15.Rf Introduction.-In classical electrodynamics, magnetic fields always induce currents that are perpendicular to the magnetic field direction due to the Lorentz force. However, in quantum electrodynamics, a current can also be generated in the same direction as the magnetic field. This was first realized for massless fermions in particle physics 1,2 . It is a consequence of the fact that quantum mechanically a magnetic field quenches the kinetic energy perpendicular to its direction and also spin polarizes the lowest Landau level. As a result massless fermions only obtain a drift velocity along the magnetic field with an opposite sign for opposite chiralities. Inducing an imbalance between the two chiral species then gives a net current along the magnetic field direction known now as the chiral magnetic effect (CME).Massless chiral fermions also occur as low-energy quasiparticles in the recently discovered Weyl (semi)metals 3-7 . These quasiparticles do not move at the speed of light, as in elementary-particle physics, but rather at the Fermi velocity. Additionally, the effective Weyl cones with different chirality are in a real material always connected by the full bandstructure and hence electrons can be transported from one cone to another by applying both an electric and a magnetic field 8 . In particle physics the same phenomenon occurs due to the breaking of chiral symmetry by quantum corrections. This breaking of chiral symmetry due to the renormalization of ultraviolet divergencies is called a chiral anomaly and causes the difference between the numbers of particles with positive and negative chirality to be no longer conserved 9-11 . The main difference with particle physics is that Lorentz invariance is not enforced in a condensed-matter material. This gives, besides a velocity that is smaller than the speed of light, also the possibility that Weyl nodes are separated in energy-momentum space. Splitting them in the momentum direction gives rise to a topological anomalous Hall effect 8 , whereas splitting them in the energy direction is exactly the situation of most interest for the CME 2,12 . Indirect measurements of the chiral magnetic effect have recently been made by the observation of a negative magnetoresistance [13][14][15][16] . Another interesting possibility is tilting the Weyl cones, meaning that the slope of the dispersion relation is not the same in opposite directions ...