The thermoreversible fcc-bcc transition in concentrated block copolymer micellar solutions is shown to be driven by decreases in the aggregation number as the solvent penetrates the core, leading to a softer intermicelle potential. Small-angle neutron scattering measurements in a dilute solution are used to quantify the temperature-dependent micellar characteristics. The observed phase boundary is in excellent agreement with recent simulations of highly branched star polymers. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.145501 PACS numbers: 61.25.Hq, 64.70.Nd, 81.30.Hd, 83.80.Qr Block copolymers are self-assembling soft materials that display a rich variety of order-order and orderdisorder transitions (ODT) [1]. By tuning copolymer molecular weight and composition, solution concentration ( ), solvent selectivity, monomer incompatibility, and temperature (T), specific transitions can be placed for experimental convenience. Furthermore, the success of modern theory in computing free energies and structural details of the various equilibrium phases makes block copolymers a fertile ground for providing stringent tests of theory. The transition between face-centered (or close-packed) cubic (fcc) and body-centered cubic (bcc) lattices is particularly interesting. The fcc/bcc boundary is widespread in atomic systems, both one component and multicomponent, and is likewise well known in colloidal systems, both charged and uncharged. Consequently, analytical theory and computer simulations have been highly refined [2 -7]. This transition has recently been observed in block copolymer micelles [8][9][10][11][12][13], which are model soft colloids, analogous to highly branched star polymers. In contrast to star polymers, however, the micellar functionality can be tuned with temperature, providing direct access to the thermoreversible fcc/bcc transition.We have located the fcc/bcc boundary in several polystyrene-polyisoprene (SI) diblock copolymer solutions, in both styrene-and isoprene-selective solvents [12,13]. By shear aligning the close-packed phase in small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cells, we demonstrated that the transition is epitaxial and that the transformation pathway closely follows that seen in atomic systems [12,14]. However, beyond speculation about the possible role of changing solvent selectivity, we were not able to pinpoint the precise cause of the transition; why does bcc become favored over fcc upon heating? Here we demonstrate exactly how increasing T affects the micellar characteristics (i.e., aggregation number, core radius, overall radius, solvent concentration in the core, and number density), and compare the results with detailed simulations of the phase behavior of highly branched star polymers; the agreement between theory and experiment is gratifying.Two nearly symmetric SI copolymers were synthesized by anionic polymerization [13]. One incorporated perdeuterated styrene (dS), with block molecular weights of 15 800 (dS) and 15 400 (I), and the other used perdeute...