Inverse-opal techniques provide a promising routine of fabricating photonic crystals with a full band gap in the visible and infrared regimes. Numerical simulations of band structures of such systems by means of a supercell technique demonstrate that this band gap is extremely fragile to the nonuniformity in crystals. In the presence of disorder such as variations in the radii of air spheres and their positions, the band gap reduces significantly, and closes at a fluctuation magnitude as small as under 2% of the lattice constant. This imposes a severe requirement on the uniformity of the crystal lattice. The fragility can be attributed to the creation of this band gap at high-frequency bands ͑eight to nine bands͒ in inverse-opal crystals.In recent years the fabrication of photonic crystals has attracted extensive interest, 1-3 as such artificial periodic structures may bring about some peculiar physical phenomena such as inhibition of spontaneous emission and localization of electromagnetic waves. [2][3][4] In addition, they possess possible applications in wide scientific and technical areas such as filters, optical switches, cavities, waveguide, design of low-threshold lasers, and high-efficient light emitting diodes. [1][2][3] A three-dimensional ͑3D͒ photonic crystal with a full band gap in the visible and infrared regimes provides the most stirring potential in application. Recently, the fabrication of 3D photonic crystals of micrometer size have been demonstrated 5,6 using a layer-by-layer growth scheme 7 that employs state-of-the-art microlithography techniques, however it still remains a difficult and challenging task. Another routine that is in rapid progress is the self-arrangement of colloid, related artificial opals, and inverse-opal techniques. [8][9][10][11][12][13] Among them, the inverse-opal technique becomes an attractive candidate in the fabrication of optical photonic crystals. These crystals are composed of closepacked air spheres arranged in a face-centered-cubic ͑fcc͒ lattice embedded in a dielectric background. When the refractive index contrast is large enough, a full band gap opens at high-frequency bands. 14 Very recently, great progress has been made in this technique by several groups. [11][12][13] As the crystals are of micrometer and submicrometer sizes, various kinds of nonuniformity inevitably occur in the fabrication process. A typical inverse-opal crystal is prepared as follows. 11 First, one should have a template assembled from a self-organizing system, for instance monodisperse silica or polystyrene colloidal crystal. Then sintering is used to create necks between spheres. This intersphere interconnection allows the precipitation of a desired background dielectric into the voids of the template by means of chemical reaction. Finally, the inverse-opal crystal is obtained by removing the original template material by calcination. In practice, nonuniformities occur at every step of the fabrication. For instance, the radius of spheres might vary even for monodisperse systems, 12...