Non‐symbolic stimuli representing numerosities are invariably associated with continuous magnitudes, complicating the interpretation of experimental studies on numerosity perception. Although various algorithms for experimental numerosity generation have been proposed, they do not consider the quantifiable distribution of values of continuous magnitudes and the degree of numerosity‐magnitudes association. Consequently, they cannot thoroughly exclude the possibility of magnitudes integration or strategy switch between different magnitudes in numerical stimulus perception. Here, we introduce a protocol for numerosity generation, animal training, and behavior outcomes analysis that takes the aforementioned issues into consideration. This protocol has been applied to rodents and is applicable to other animals in numerosity studies. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC.Basic Protocol 1: Algorithm for generating non‐symbolic numerical stimuliAlternate Protocol: General algorithm for generating non‐symbolic numerical stimuliBasic Protocol 2: Numerical training and testing for rodents