We measure the expansion of an ultracold plasma across the field lines of a uniform magnetic field. We image the ion distribution by extracting the ions with a high voltage pulse onto a positionsensitive detector. Early in the lifetime of the plasma (< 20 µs), the size of the image is dominated by the time-of-flight Coulomb explosion of the dense ion cloud. For later times, we measure the 2-D Gaussian width of the ion image, obtaining the transverse expansion velocity as a function of magnetic field (up to 70 G). We observe that the expansion velocity scales as B −1/2 , explained by a nonlinear ambipolar diffusion model with anisotropic diffusion in two different directions.PACS numbers: 52.25. Xz, 52.55.Dy Plasma expansion in a uniform magnetic field is of interest in astrophysical, ionospheric, and laser-produced plasma applications. The presence of a magnetic field during expansion can initiate various phenomena, such as plasma confinement and plasma instabilities [1]. Ultracold plasmas (UCPs), formed by photoionizing lasercooled atoms near the ionization limit, have system parameters many orders of magnitude away from traditional laser-produced plasmas, with electron and ion temperatures on the order of meV, or even µeV, and densities of 10 5 to 10 10 cm −3 . UCPs thus provide a testing ground to study basic plasma theory in a clean and simple system, and we need fields of only tens of Gauss to observe significant effects on the expansion dynamics (for our system the electrons are magnetized, while the ions are not). All previous studies of ultracold plasma expansion, both experimental [2,3,4,5] and theoretical [6,7,8,9], focus on free expansion in the absence of magnetic fields.In this work, we present the first measurement of UCP expansion in a magnetic field. By extracting the ions with a high voltage pulse onto a position-sensitive detector, we image the ion distribution of an UCP expanding in a uniform magnetic field. Early in the lifetime of the plasma, the image size is dominated by the timeof-flight Coulomb explosion of the dense ion cloud. At about 20 µs the image size is at a minimum and then afterwards increases, reflecting the true size of the expanding plasma. The expansion is self-similar, as the ion cloud maintains a Gaussian density profile throughout the lifetime of the plasma. By 2-D Gaussian fitting of the ion image, we obtain the width transverse to the applied magnetic field. In the absence of a magnetic field, the plasma expansion velocity at different initial electron temperatures (T e ) matches the result obtained by measuring the plasma oscillation frequency [2, 10]. As we increase the field up to 70 G, we find that the transverse expansion velocity decreases, roughly scaling as B −1/2 . This field dependence is well explained by an ambipolar diffusion model which involves anisotropic diffusion in two different directions: the diffusion rate is almost unaffected in the direction along the magnetic field, while it is reduced in the direction normal to the field. A critical feature ...