Clay−polymer nanocomposite materials have gained much attention owing to their low weight ratio of filler to reinforcement properties, delivering lightweight yet resilient materials with excellent barrier properties to gas diffusion. An important process in their production is clay exfoliation, as maximum reinforcement and improvement of barrier properties occur when the clay mineral platelets are fully separated and dispersed through the polymer matrix with a preferred orientation. In this study we examine clay swellingthe first step leading to exfoliationusing molecular dynamics to generate solvation energetics, swelling curves, and atomic density profiles of three types of clay mineralsmontmorillonite, vermiculite, and hectoritewith interlayer Na + cations and/or three quaternary ammonium surfactants in water and ethanol. Analysis based on the provided simulations can help to distinguish between favorable and unfavorable swelling profiles of mineral/surfactant/solvent systems and therefore guide further research into this complex field.
■ INTRODUCTIONSince the early 1990s, when first introduced by Toyota, clayreinforced plastics, or clay−polymer nanocomposite (CPNC) materials, have attracted much attention owing to their superior performance and additional properties relative to conventionally filled (e.g., glass fiber) plastics. The term "nanocomposites" arises owing to the clay filler particles having at least one size domain in the nanometer region. Clay minerals are defined by Guggenheim and Martin as "phyllosilicate minerals and minerals which impart plasticity to clay and which harden upon drying or firing". 1 This typically refers to the fraction of soils with particle size of a layer thickness lower than 2 μm. As individual montmorillonite clay mineral layers are only 10 Å (1 nm) thick, these kind of clay minerals have a very high aspect (breadth to thickness) ratio. At relatively low filler loadings, polymers reinforced with clay minerals gave rise to similar mechanical properties for CPNCs as composites with much higher conventional filler loadings. 2 Initially, it was considered that the nanoscale size of these clay minerals conferred unique properties to the CPNC material. However, in time it became apparent that the strongly bound polymer interfacial layers on the clay mineral allowed CPNC materials to be placed within conventional composite theory. 3 In addition, owing to the preferred orientation and overlap of the highly anisotropic clay mineral platelets, CPNC materials were found to have far superior barrier properties to gas diffusion and better thermal stability compared to the pure polymers, or conventional composites, accelerating their deployment in packaging applications. The dramatically increased usage of plastic-based packaging materials over the last few decades together with future consumption predicted to increase even further 4 have served to stimulate the industry to provide new, more efficient barrier solutions 5−7 with the potential to further extend the usage of CPNC mate...