“…According also to our previous investiga tions the resultant R at each 't' moment subsequent to the 't0' stimulus on set moment in a sum of the amplitude of three components: R(t) = F(t) + S(t) + N(t), F being the fixed component, S the stochastic component according to the above-mentioned conditions and N the 'noise', considered as nonrelated to the stimulus [6]. The first period of DP represents the predominance of the S component, while the second one, with the smallest dispersion am plitude, represents a maximum synchronizing activity of the neural com plexes, with predominance of the F component; in the third period the N component is overwhelming [7]. Thalamic syndromes with hemianopsia, pointing to lesions involving the specific visual pathways, lacked the first period, i.e., that of prevalence of the stochastic mechanisms.…”