This contribution about amplitude analyses in multibody hadronic charm decays deals with some attempts to introduce theoretical constraints. Different effective hadronic formalism approaches are mentioned. A recent work, based on a basic weak interaction process and a Chiral unitary model to account for the final state interaction, is described in details for the f 0 (980) production inWithin the framework of the diagrammatic approach and flavor symmetry, a global analysis of two-body D decays into a vector meson and a pseudoscalar meson is presented. A quasi-two-body QCD factorization model for D decays into three mesons and its recent application to D 0 → K 0 S π + π − is outlined. For processes with finalstate pions and kaons and as an alternative to the sum of Breit-Wigner amplitudes, often used in experimental Dalitz-plot analyses, amplitude parametrizations, in term of unitary ππ, πK and KK form factors, are proposed. These parametrizations are derived from quasi-two-body factorization models.