“…The orbital stability question (for Klein-Gordon, NLS, as well as many other classes of PDE) was addressed by Shatah [46], Shatah, Strauss [47], Weinstein [55], [56], Grillakis, Shatah, Strauss [22], [23] (who developed an "abstract" theory of orbital stability), Grillakis [21], Comech, Pelinovsky [9]. As far as the question of asymptotic stability is concerned (which is much closer to the present paper), see Soffer, Weinstein [49], [50], Buslaev, Perelman [5], [6], Cuccagna [10], Rodnianski, Schlag, Soffer [42], [43], Perelman [35], [36], [37], Fröhlich, Jonsson, Gustafson, Sigal [16], Fröhlich, Tsai, Yau [17], as well as Gang, Sigal [18], [19]. For surveys of some of this material, see Strauss [51], and Sulem, Sulem [52].…”