The decays of B 0 d,s → σσ, σf0, f0f0, with σ and f0 denoting the light scalar mesons f0(500) and f0(980) in the two-quark picture, are studied in the perturbative QCD approach based on kT factorization. With the referenced value of the mixing angle ϕ ∼ 25 • for the σ − f0 mixing in the quark-flavor basis, it is of great interest to obtain that: (a) these neutral B-meson decays into σσ, σf0, and f0f0 have large branching ratios in the order of 10 −6 ∼ 10 −4 , which mean the possibly constructive interferences existed in the decays with different flavor states, and then are expected to be tested at the Large Hadron Collider beauty and/or Belle-II experiments in the (near) future; (b) the large direct CP violations could be easily found in the B 0 d → σσ, f0f0 and B 0 d,s → σf0 decays, which indicate the considerable interferences between the tree and the penguin decay amplitudes involved in these four modes, and would be confronted with the future measurements; (c) under the narrow-width approximation, these neutral B-meson decays could be examined through the secondary decay chain σ/f0 → π + π − , namely, the four-body decays of B 0 d,s → (π. On the other side, it seems that other 4 four-body decays of) f 0 could also be detected at the relevant experiments, if the f0 → K + K − could be identified from the φ → K + K − clearly. The (near) future experimental confirmations with good precision would help to further study the perturbative and/or nonperturbative QCD dynamics involved in these considered decay modes, as well as to explore the intrinsic characters of these scalar mesons σ and/or f0 and to constrain both of the magnitude and the sign of ϕ.