Solid state qubits realized in superconducting circuits are potentially scalable. However, strong decoherence may be transferred to the qubits by various elements of the circuits that couple individual qubits, particularly when coupling is implemented over long distances. We propose here an encoding that provides full protection against errors originating from these coupling elements, for a chain of superconducting qubits with a nearest neighbor anisotropic XY-interaction. The encoding is also seen to provide partial protection against errors deriving from general electronic noise. Superconducting flux qubits have been shown to possess many of the necessary features of a quantum bit ͑qubit͒, including the ability to prepare superpositions of quantum states 1,2 and manipulate them coherently. 3 In these systems, the dominating error source appears to be decoherence due to flux noise. 4 Present designs for arrays of multiple flux qubits that are coupled through their flux degree of freedom are easily implemented from an experimental point of view. However, when scaling up to large numbers of qubits, they suffer from technical restrictions such as possible flux crosstalk and a need for physically large coupling elements, which are expected to act as severe antennas for decoherence. The possibility of avoiding errors by prior encoding into decoherence free subspaces ͑DFS͒ that are defined by the physical symmetries of the qubit interaction with the environment is consequently very attractive. Such encoding is also attractive for superconducting charge qubits, 6,7 which are subject to similar decoherence sources.
8In this work, we show how to develop such protection for qubits coupled by the nearest neighbor XY-interaction that is encountered in both flux and charge qubit designs.9,10 We demonstrate that for this coupling, a two-qubit encoding into a DFS provides full protection against noise from the coupling elements. Moreover, all encoded single-qubit operations are also protected from collective decoherence deriving from the electromagnetic environment. The protection is seen to result from a combination of symmetry in the coupling element and a restricted environmental phase space of the multi-qubit system-the DFS alone would not be sufficient. The analysis makes use of an exact unitary transformation of 1 / f phase noise in the coupling element ͑hence with a sub-Ohmic power spectrum͒ into regular nearestneighbor correlated flux noise on the qubits that is characterized by a super-Ohmic power spectrum. To assess the performance of the encoding we add to this coupling-derived noise a single-qubit Ohmic noise source that represents the generic uncorrelated environmental factors and analyze the fidelity of encoded quantum gate operations.The Hamiltonian of a linear chain of XY coupled qubits readswhere H 0 = ͚ i ͓⑀ i z ͑i͒ + ⌬ i x ͑i͒ ͔ is the uncoupled qubit Hamiltonian, and K i,i+1 is the strength of the inter-qubit coupling, H int . We assume that it is possible to switch the coupling K i,i+1 and the flux bias ⑀...