The growth dynamics of the height of burning pressed specimens with the specimen ends subjected to a compressive force of constant magnitude is studied using the heterogeneous Ti + C + 20% TiC system as an example. It is found that in the examined range of compressive forces 0.1-2 kg/cm 2 , the growth of the height of the burning specimens with time obeys a linear law; under a compressive force of ≈0.1 kg/cm 2 , the specimen height increases by ≈100%, and under a force of ≈2 kg/cm 2 , it increases by about 25%. The method used to measure the growth dynamics of the specimen height during combustion proved a useful tool for the experimental determination of both the burning time of the specimens and the delay in the transfer of combustion through an obstacle.Key words: combustion, elongation of specimens, burning rate, transfer of combustion through an obstacle.It is known that solid-flame combustion is frequently accompanied by the displacement of the material in the burning specimen. In the absence of a rigid shell, the variation in the specimen dimensions during combustion can be referred to one of the two types (type II or type III) described in [1]. For type II, the shape of the burning specimen is preserved as its dimensions, in particular, length, vary significantly while the diameter does not change (the displacement of material of type II was for the first time observed in studies of the combustion of the Ti + 2B system [2][3][4]). Type III is characterized by changes in both shape and dimensions of the burning specimen.During combustion of specimens in a rigid halfclosed shell, a situation can arise where the dimensions and shape of the burning specimens do not vary (type I [1]) and displacement of the material occurs only within the burning specimen [5]. Furthermore, material displacement can be observed both at the combustion front and behind and ahead of the front [6-10].The displacement (deformation) of the material in a burning specimen changes not only the combustion parameters, in particular, burning rate [2-4] but also the parameters of combustion transfer through an obstacle [7,9,10], which should be taken into account in experiments. In addition, deformation of burning specimens is allowed for in computational and theoretical papers devoted to the combustion of heterogeneous systems [11][12][13][14][15][16].The material displacement dynamics during combustion is conveniently studied using flash radiography [7,8] for specimens in a rigid shell and by measuring the specimen height change Δl in time with a mechanical sensor for unconfined specimens. The latter method was used in the present study. A heterogeneous Ti + C + 20% TiC mixture prepared in a ball mill was used [6]. This mixture was pressed into specimens of diameter 8 mm and height l equal to 4 or 7 mm using the procedure described in [17], which involves the formation of a paper ("blue ribbon" decalcified filter paper) shell on the cylindrical surface of the specimens. The ends of the specimens remained opened. The specimens were pressed...