Povzetek: Čuječnost je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih v psihologiji in sorodnih vedah doživela močan razmah, vendar se je razmeroma malo raziskav osredotočilo na sestavo samega konstrukta. Namen prispevka je predstaviti, medsebojno primerjati ter kritično ovrednotiti različne vrste modelov konstrukta čuječnosti. Enodimenzionalni modeli opredeljujejo čuječnost kot zgolj posameznikovo zavedanje svojega trenutnega doživljanja. Dvodimenzionalni modeli čuječnosti vključujejo zavedanje trenutnega doživljanja ter sprejemanje tega doživljanja. V večdimenzionalnih modelih pa je čuječnost pojmovana kot konstrukt s tremi ali več faktorji. Problem enodimenzionalnih modelov je, da ne opredeljujejo kvalitete zavedanja, saj je lahko v določenih primerih posameznikovo samozavedanje tudi kontraproduktivno (npr. pretirano samokritično). Pri multidimenzionalnih modelih sta problematična precejšnje vsebinsko prekrivanje faktorjev ter vključitev pojavov, ki morda niso del same čuječnosti. Kot najustreznejši se tako izkažejo dvodimenzionalni modeli, ki najbolj jedrnato in hkrati dovolj kompleksno zajamejo vsebino konstrukta.Ključne besede: čuječnost, zavedanje, sprejemanje, nepresojanje, faktorska strukturaThe structure of the mindfulness construct:Awareness and acceptance of experienceMihael Černetič
* Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of the Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana, SloveniaAbstract: Mindfulness experienced a strong upswing in the last two decades in psychology and related disciplines, but relatively little research focused on the structure of the construct. The aim of this article is to present, compare, and critically examine different types of models of the mindfulness construct. Unidimensional models conceptualize mindfulness merely as an individual's awareness of their current experience. Bidimensional models of mindfulness include awareness of current experience and acceptance of that experience. In multidimensional models, mindfulness is conceptualized as a construct composed of three or more factors. The problem of unidimensional models is that they do not define the quality of awareness, as sometimes individual's self-awareness may be counterproductive (e.g., excessively self-critical). Multidimensional models are problematic due to considerable overlaps of factors and the inclusion of phenomena that may not be integral parts of the mindfulness construct. The most appropriate may thus be bidimensional models of mindfulness which seem to be sufficiently concise and at the same time capture the content of the construct on a sufficient level of complexity.