AHSTK/UT Can the fundamental differences in sleep structure known to differentiate good from insomniac sleepers (e.g., sleep length, sleep onset latency f SOLI, number of sleep disruptions, etc.) be identified using a behavioural slccp/wakc (S/W) monitor in the home? Sixteen women (8 good and 8 insomniac sleepers) enrolled in an introductory psychology course participated in a study of S/W patterns. They used a portable version of the Ogilvic and Wilkinson (1988) behavioural response (BR) system in their homes for 4 consecutive nights. Insomniacs had greater SOLs, less efficient sleep, and tended to have a greater number of arousals as compared with good sleepers. The data indicate that the behavioural system could be used as a diagnostic tool for in-home evaluations of disorders of initiating and maintaining slccp.RESUMK Est-il possible, a partir des differences fondamcntales dans la structure du sommeil, dcdistinguer les bonsdormeursdes insomniaques (e.g., durcedu sommeil, la latencc d'induction du sommeil | SOL], le nombrc dc perturbations du sommeil, etc...) a l'aide d'un monitcur behavioral sommeil-cvcil installc dans la maison? Seize femmes (8 bonnes dormcuscs et 8 insomniaques) inscrites a un cours d'introduction a la psychologie ont participe a I'etude de patrons S/W. Klles etaient dotccs d'une version porative du systcme de reponse behavioralc (BR) d'Ogilvie et dans leur maison pour une periode de 4 nuits consecutive*. Les insomniaques avaient des SOL plus grands, un sommeil moins cfficacc, et claienl plus scnsiblcs aux periodes d'eveil par rapport aux bons dormeurs. Les rcsultats indiquent quc lc systeme behavioral pourrait ctre utilise commc un outil diagnostique pour revaluation a domicile des troubles de ("induction ct du maintien du sommeil.A relatively inexpensive and efficient method of assessing insomnia is long overdue. Research into all aspects of insomnia is crucial due to the high prevalence of the disorder. Several studies examining the occurrence of sleep disorders including insomnia have found a high frequency of sleep-related problems in the general population ranging from 15% to 42.