INTRODUCTIONBurst abdomen (abdominal wound dehiscence) is a severe post-operative complication. Incidence as described in literature ranges from 0.4% to 3.5%.1 Burst abdomen is defined as post-operative separation of abdominal musculo-aponeurotic layers, which is recognised within days after surgery and requires some form of intervention.Various risk factors are responsible for wound dehiscence such as emergency surgery, intra-abdominal infection, malnutrition (hypoalbuminemia, anaemia), advanced age, systemic diseases (uraemia, diabetes mellitus) etc.2 Good knowledge of these risk factors is mandatory for prophylaxis.
3Patient identified as being high risk may benefit from close observation and early intervention.The study aims to find etiological factors of burst abdomen in hospitalised patients, evaluate current management methods and to compare conservative and operative approach with respect to complication and outcomes.
ABSTRACTBackground: Burst abdomen (abdominal wound dehiscence) is a severe post-operative complication. Burst abdomen is defined as post-operative separation of abdominal musculo-aponeurotic layers. The study aims to find etiological factors of burst abdomen in hospitalised patients, evaluate current management methods and to compare conservative and operative approach with respect to complication and outcomes. Methods: All cases presenting with abdominal wound dehiscence after surgery were included. An elaborate clinical history was taken in view of the significant risk factors, the types of surgery performed, type of disease involved and management methods and their outcome. A total of 82 cases were included in this prospective study. Data was analyzed using appropriate software. Results: The results concluded that male patients have a higher incidence of laparotomy wound dehiscence and in 5