We use data from an experiment conducted in the Experimental EarthScape (XES) facility, National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics (NCED), St.Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL), University of Minnesota, to demonstrate why incised valleys preserved in the stratigraphic record probably bear little resemblance to the actual valleys as they appeared in the paleolandscape. In an experiment designed to study fluvial response to changes in sea level, we find that preserved incised-valley structures are typically broader and have more gentle side slopes, than the topographic features from which they develop. Also, because of widening driven by valley wall erosion during both relative sea-level rise and fall, there is virtually no remnant of terraces formed during falling relative sea level preserved in the stratigraphic record.The process of filling an incised valley due to rising relative sea level is not a passive depositional process that simply buries and preserves the original shape of the valley; rather, it includes an energetic erosional component that substantially reshapes the original valley form.
INCISED VALLEY EVOLUTION AND PRESERVATIONThe geological community has long recognized the significance of identifying incised valleys in the stratigraphic record as well as understanding the relationships between the filling of incised-valleys and their geomorphologic evolution. Incised valley geometries and fill are often used to infer the record and effects of sea level change on coastal environments, both as a tool in petroleum exploration (e.g. Van Wagoner et al. 1988, 1990Posamentier and Allen 1999) and to better understand the environmental consequences of sea level change (Warrick et al. 1993; Nicholls and Leatherman 1994). Furthermore, incised valleys typically comprise basin scale erosional unconformities that can be identified in seismic sections, well logs, and outcrops, and thus are used to correlate stratigraphic facies and time (e.g., Van Wagoner et al. 1990).Previous work on both modern and preserved incised valleys has illustrated the complexity of incised valley fill. A common interpretation of the stratigraphic record in such fills is that detailed layering reflects discrete external (allogenic) forcing mechanisms, including high frequency climate change, (low amplitude) high frequency tectonic movement, eustatic sea level and lake level fluctuations, and local faulting (Kraus and Middleton 1987;Bromely 1991; LopezGomez and Arche 1993;Blum and Tornqvist 2000). The question of whether there are other mechanisms that could potentially produce the same geomorphic and stratigraphic signatures as these external factors is difficult to address from field data alone. Here we use experimental data to illustrate the role of autogenic (internal) processes in producing this complexity.
EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIESThe experimental data presented in this paper come from an experiment conducted in the Experimental EarthScape (XES) facility, National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory,...