At the center of iron and oxidant metabolism is the ferritin superfamily: protein cages with Fe2+ ion channels and catalytic di- Fe/O redox centers that initiate formation of caged Fe2O3 • H2O. Ferritin nanominerals, initiated within the protein cage, grow inside the cage cavity (5 or 8 nm in diameter). Ferritins contribute to normal iron flow, maintenance of iron concentrates for iron cofactor syntheses, sequestration of iron from invading pathogens, oxidant protection, oxidative stress recovery and, in diseases where iron accumulates excessively, to iron chelation strategies. In eukaryotic ferritins, biomineral order/crystallinity is influenced by nucleation channels between active sites and the mineral growth cavity. Animal ferritin cages contain, uniquely, mixtures of catalytically active (H) and inactive (L) polypeptide subunits with varied rates of Fe2+/O2 catalysis and mineral crystallinity. The relatively low mineral order in liver ferritin, for example, coincides with a high % of L subunits, and, thus, a low % of catalytic sites and nucleation channels. Low mineral order facilitates rapid iron turnover and the physiological role of liver ferritin as a general iron source for other tissues. Here, current concepts of ferritin structure/function/genetic regulation are discussed and related to possible therapeutic targets such as mini-ferritin/Dps protein active sites (selective pathogen inhibition in infection), the nanocage pores (iron chelation in therapeutic hypertransfusion), the mRNA noncoding, IRE-riboregulator (normalizing ferritin iron content after therapeutic hypertransfusion, and as protein nanovessels to deliver medicinal or sensor cargo.