Digital mass filters are advantageous for the analysis of large molecules due to the ability to perform ion isolation of high-m/z ions without the generation of very high radio frequency (RF) and DC voltages. Experimentally determined Mathieu stability diagrams of stability zone 1,1 for capacitively coupled digital waveforms show a voltage offset between the quadrupole rod pairs is introduced by the capacitors which is dependent on the voltage magnitude of the waveform and the duty cycle. This changes the ion's a value from a = 0 to a < 0. These effects are illustrated for isolation for single-charge states for various protein complexes up to 800 kDa (GroEL) for stability zone 1,1. Isolation resolving power (m/Δm) of approximately 280 was achieved for an ion of m/z 12,315 (z = 65+ for 800.5 kDa GroEL D398A), which corresponds to an m/z window of 44.