KEY WORDS: toxoplasmosis, seropositivity, high risk personell groups, control groups.1878 people of Lithuania were examined for toxoplasmosis by serological and clinical methods : i.e. country people and workers of the meat packing plant like high risk personell to be infected by toxoplasma and two control groups -blood donors and young soldiers in the first year of service. The highest percent of seropositive persons was among country people and workers of the meat packing plant (58,3±2,2% and 57, 7±1,5% respectively). The main way of infection of all examined people was oral (most of all alimentary). Chronic toxoplasmosis was diagnosed for 9,9% of infected country people and for 11% of infected workers of the meat packing plant. The importance of prophylactic examination for toxoplasmosis of persons who have contacts with animals and their products, who consume raw meat, i.e. those who belong to high risk personell groups for toxoplasmosis, is pointed out.