“…This publication category has transformed over time (and remains a work in progress) to embrace scholarship which is especially thought-provoking and deeply tied to contemporary practices in research and organizations. Past commentaries have addressed frequently debated topics such as CSR communication imperatives (Chaudhri, 2016), spatial influences on organizational communication (Andrews, 2017, 2022), public opinion sentiment towards the NRA’s communications (Shen & Cheng, 2022), human resources employee counseling (Gates & Reinsch Jr, 2022), mask wearing messages during the COVID-19 pandemic (Batova, 2022), the research benefits of simulated settings (Du-Babcock & Chan, 2022), and the media’s propagation of workplace myths (Helens-Hart et al, 2022). Unfortunately, space requirements confine us to sharing these examples instead of the full wealth of superb IJBC commentary articles.…”