“…'Thus, TPA caused both a narrowing of the dose/response curve for CCKs and an increase in the efficacy of the secretagogue. These observations urged us to investi gate the effects of kinase activation and inactivation on that artificial activation of each one of these two routes tho shape of the dose/response curve for the stimulaonly moderately stimulates secretion [2,4 -X, 11, 14, 15, 19 21, 25, 29, 30], whereas simultaneous activation of both routes mimics the stimulatory effect of the Ca~}-mobilizing seeretagogues [5,19,25], Putative inhibitors of PKC' activity, such as 11-7 and staurosporine, have been used in an attempt to ascer tain the relative importance of both routes in the mech anism of action of the Ca-' -mobilizing secretagogues [7,21,25, 29|. Staurosporine was found to completely inhibit the secretory response to the phorbol ester 12-iMetradeeanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) [7,21.…”