Instabilities which arise in shear and extensional flows in the processing of polymeric liquids are reviewed. The experimental observations and the extent of theoretical understanding of the instabilities are discussed.
Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Delaware Newark, Delaware 1971 1
SCOPEIn many polymer processing operations, the rate of sional and shear flows, including draw resonance and filaproduction is limited by the onset of flow instabilities. ment breakage in melt spinning, and melt fracture in The instabilities often occur at extremely low Reynolds extrusion. We also review the theoretical studies of numbers, where low molecular weight liquids do not these process instabilities and establish the extent to show similar unstable behavior. In this paper, we rewhich the mechanisms are understood and the onset view the experimental studies of instabilities in extenpredictable.
CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCEThere are two distinct instabilities in spinning. A regular and sustained periodic variation in the drawn filament diameter known as draw resonance may be encountered when the point of solidification is carefully controlled. The onset of draw resonance is well understood theoretically, and quantitative predictions can be made. Filament breakage is usually an entirely different phenomenon, and it may occur either because of the growth of surface perturbations (capillarity and necking) or because of cohesive fracture. The theoretical understanding of breakage is only qualitative. Low Reynolds number instabilities in shear flow and extrusion, commonly referred to collectively as melt fracture, represent at least two different phenomena. One, characteristic of linear polymers, is probably an instability of the shear flow in the die. The other, characteristic of branched polymers, is probably an instability of the converging flow at the die entry. Both instabilities occur at a value of the recoverable shear (shear stress/ shear modulus) of order 1 to 10. A die flow instability at a critical value of the recoverable shear is predicted by several different theoretical approaches, and the dominant mechanism cannot be identified with confidence.