A procedure is introduced for deriving a coarse-grained dissipative particle dynamics from molecular dynamics. The rules of the dissipative particle dynamics are derived from the underlying molecular interactions, and a Langevin equation is obtained that describes the forces experienced by the dissipative particles and specifies the associated canonical Gibbs distribution for the system. The basic components of DPD are particles that are thought to represent mesoscopic elements of the underlying molecular fluid. These dissipative particles then evolve just as MD particles but with different interparticle forces: Since the DPD particles are pictured as having internal degrees of freedom, the forces between them have both a fluctuating and a dissipative component in addition to the conservative forces that are present already at the MD level. Nevertheless, momentum conservation along with mass conservation produce hydrodynamic behavior at the macroscopic level.Dissipative particle dynamics has been demonstrated to connect correctly to the macroscopic continuum theory; that is, for a one-component DPD fluid, it is possible to derive the Navier-Stokes equations and to compute the viscosity in the large scale limit [8,9]. However, thus far no attempt has been made to link DPD to the underlying microscopic dynamics. This is the purpose of the present letter. We define the dissipative particles (DP) by appropriate weight functions that sample a portion of the underlying conservative MD particles, and we derive the forces between the DP's from the hydrodynamic description of the MD system. The dissipative particles are defined as cells in the Voronoi lattice, moving with velocity U k . There are four relevant length scales: The scale of the large, gray colloid particles, the two scales of the dissipative particles in between and away from the colloids and finally the scale of the MD particles, which are shown as the little dots that form the boundaries between the DP's.